BHN Human Development Program

2012.6.6 Wed 10:00


BHN Human Development Program started 1998 and has established as one of BHN’s three Major Missions.

The outline of its activities are as follows:

1. Target of the Program

a) To invite young trainees engaging in telecommunication/ICT business from developing or emerging countries in Asia and to develop and enhance trainees’ capability to be good leaders or management staffs in their countries by means of providing them with comprehensive curriculum containing study on advanced technical knowledge of telecom/ICT field as well as study on significant business knowledge.


b) To give them opportunities to communicate each other closely, to learn each other and each country and to build up their friendship and relationship between them.

2. Outline of the Program

a) This program is yearly basis and composed two Semesters. The First Semester is held at Malaysia Multimedia University (MMU) for about 5 weeks in Autumn and the Second Semester is held at the Tokyo Training Center of the Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association HIDA) for about 3 weeks in early Summer in the next year.

b) The cost of this entire Program is born by BHN including support from NTT Communications Corporation and HIDA as well as general donation for BHN activity.

c) As of May 2012, the current Program under way is the fourteenth Program and total number of invited trainees are 105 persons from 13 countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippine, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.


Kazuhisa Konoma, Director
